Why is it that so many good businesses hire people who are unfriendly and have no interest in being of service to anyone, let alone a paying customer?

Why would we put someone out there who we know is rude and difficult; who we know will be curt and unhelpful with our customers?

Why do we compromise our own high standards and hire people who have a good cv rather than a good attitude when we know that there is a good chance that they will not serve our customers – the people our business relies on to survive – well?

When it comes to our customer experience…it’s not only about solving their problem and fulfilling a need…it’s about having that desire to make our customer feel special and to build strong and lasting relationships.  You have to have the right attitude…the right culture in your business…to achieve that.

The companies who really get this were built around customer experience…companies like Virgin, Disney, Apple were founded on the belief that the customer’s experience is everything, and they do what they need to do, to make that experience, not only the best it can be…but special.

And that includes having the structure and process in place onto which can be built the ‘magic’.

Your service won’t work without efficient systems to support it, and great people to work the systems.  Revenue won’t build if your culture is about the transaction and not the relationship.

Bring these elements together and you’ll find that not only do you have great relationships with your customers…but you will have more of them too.  It’s the best way…perhaps the only way…to grow your business.


About the Author: Marianne Page is Founder and Director of Bright-for business impact who specialise in liberating business owners by helping them build simple, effective and repeatable processes that give them more time, more control and more profit.  Marianne worked with McDonald’s for over 25 years developing both processes and people, so she understands the powerful impact that logical systems, executed well can have on the bottom line.  Find her at www.bright4impact.com or uk.linkedin.com/in/mariannepage

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