The need to radically improve employee engagement as part of a successful forward-looking customer experience programme was one of the key messages to arise from the recent Confirmit Community Conference 2014 (CCC’14) in San Francisco.

Attendees were advised to consider employee engagement as a business critical activity that could transform customer experience, deliver operational improvements and make a real impact on the bottom line.

Employee engagement can no longer afford to be sidelined as a ‘nice-to-have’ add-on or limited to an annual employee satisfaction survey that can only provide a static measure on one given day. What’s needed is a cross-enterprise strategy that harnesses both the Voice of the Customer (VoC) and the Voice of the Employee (VoE) and the realisation that customers and employees are two sides of the same coin.

Does your company see employee engagement as a priority? We would love to hear your views – contact

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