83% of employees feel more productive in hybrid and remote working environments than they do in office settings. A further 82% of employees said they feel more connected to their teams and managers when working in hybrid models.

The research comes from a new global Zoom survey to explore workers’ views on workplace models and the future of work.

Hybrid work models have exploded in popularity and implementation since the pandemic days. 64% of leaders taking part in the survey said their workplace has currently adopted the hybrid model.

The majority (84%) of leaders stated that increasing productivity was their top priority when determining the best working style for their company.

What may be surprising to leaders is that nearly three-quarters of in-person respondents felt very or moderately connected to their manager, even more respondents in the hybrid group (82%) felt the same. This shows that feeling connected is not necessarily a function of face-to-face interaction. Relationships can be built and maintained in different working environments.

75% of leaders say it’s very or moderately likely that their organisation will change its working style in the next two years. Most are planning to increase flexibility in their working styles in the next two years.

However, for steady workflows outside of office environments, organisations need to improve their tech. Most notably, with generative AI having a huge impact on the future of work.

64% of employees strongly or slightly agree that “generative AI makes it easier to do my job.” 

As hybrid work becomes the dominant model, leaders must embrace flexibility, adapt to employees’ changing preferences, and invest in better workplace technology.

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