TSB is a British bank with a strong and stable retail customer base of 4.5 million. With 631 branches in the country, it’s the seventh largest retail banking group in the UK by branch network.

This amazing bank has made some refreshing changes last year which led to their award at the 2016 CXA in the Employee Engagement – Best Place to Work category.

These changes were made with the help of ‘BlueSky Performance Improvement’, and in this blog we want to give you a quick look into these developments.

TSB’s Developments

Recently TSB has been hard at work changing their outlook with the help of BlueSky Performance Improvement. Following market analysis which revealed that the bank was delivering a ‘generic service’, TSB decided to make a change that would bring about better customer experience through employee engagement and a company-wide development programme.

This led to the creation of ‘The TSB Experience’ which was a cultural overhaul that created better interactions with customers by moving away from sales targets and focusing on conventional human interaction with customers.

Focusing on a cultural shift that allowed clients to notice the ‘human’ side of TSB’s service was a great strategic move on behalf of the bank because it allowed them to rebuild the reputation necessary in terms of service while also engaging employees more.

TSB provided the necessary tools and support to its employees, which helped them identify different customer types and stay in tune with all of their operational needs.

It should go without saying that it can be difficult to motivate unengaged staff to act friendly around customers. Sure, they’ll get the job done but unless they truly feel looked after, they won’t go that extra mile.

TSB knew this well and through an implementation of learning programmes and a focus on employee engagement, they’ve been able to quickly overhaul their internal culture and provide customers with a great banking experience.

More about This Kind of Developments

In order to bring about these changes, TSB had to overcome many difficulties and work really hard on the delivery of these developments with the help of BlueSky.

Considering the success of these developments and initiatives, it goes without saying that such information can be very useful to anyone who is involved with business development or has a business of their own.

Last year at the UK Customer Experience Awards, everyone attending had the chance to witness TSB’s amazing presentation, and also hear what kind of changes other finalists implemented.

The UK Customer Experience Awards is the biggest and most compelling CX event in the world, with entrants made up from organisations of all sizes and sectors.

Since its launch 8 years ago this event has grown, and it is expected that this year it will have attendance from as many as 200 different companies.

It’s a great way to get the recognition you deserve, as well as learn useful information from companies that overcame challenges and developed their initiatives on the highest possible level.

So make sure to get involved and attend The UK Customer Experience Awards on the 28th of September.

We’ll see you there!

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