Virgin Money were always a favourite among pundits to take home a UK Customer Experience Award this year, and their presentation confirmed to judges that those predicting success were bang on the money.

The Virgin team outlined to their judging panel a series of innovative initiatives that had the ambitious goal to “make our customers love us”.

Love was well and truly in the air, as their revelations stood up to scrutiny and prompted judges to name Virgin Money first place winners in the Best Financial Services – Banking and Investment category.

The win pushed rivals Zopa Ltd into an honourable second place finish, and Virgin Money’s Head of Customer Experience, Chris Fisher told CXM what the prize meant to the firm’s team of dedicated staff.

“We are delighted to have taken first place in this category,” he said.

“Winning this award is fantastic recognition of the efforts to constantly challenge ourselves and raise the bar in terms of delivering excellent service, including unique and memorable experiences that our colleagues deliver to customers on a daily basis.”

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