Tag: Marketing

A desk of a digital marketer with books, pens, and a paper containing digital strategy.

Keeping your customers as a digital marketer: tips to make them stay

Today, a digital marketer does not have to convince every client about the versatility of digital marketing. Well-informed clients know that digital marketing can help them in:Reaching a larger audience Targeting prospects most likely to buy your product or service Saving money...

an illustrated image showing a marketing team measuring ad effectiveness

Marketers, get creative! New ways of measuring ad effectiveness

“Data-driven insights” quickly emerged as one of the recent top marketing buzz terms. The question is – do we really know what it means, and how are those insights being used in practice? With the ongoing challenges of data privacy...

World map painted on hands to show cultural diversity.

Cultural diversity and language inclusion at the heart of advertising

Nowadays, it is business-critical for advertisers to connect with culturally diverse audiences. The Channel Factory researched the importance of language diversity in YouTube advertisements across the UK. Our team at CXM got curious about the report and wanted to find...

People sit at the desk discussing the top trends for sales and marketing leaders.

Top Trends for Sales and Marketing Leaders in 2021

The impact of 2020 was far-reaching, especially for sales and marketing teams. With business and consumer spending habits having dramatically changed due to uncertainty, as we move forward into 2021, how can businesses overcome this challenge, especially in the wake...


CXTrendTalks: Andreas Constantinides, Head of Messaging & Marketing, MoreThan160

Andreas Constantinides, Head of Messaging & Marketing at MoreThan160 talks about unique CX tools for exceptional CX, six categories of positive experiences and finally, explores three new “wow experience” contributors.See the whole presentation and Q&A session below: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysk60qqhd7Y?feature=oembed&w=640&h=360] ...


Digital Services Have Kept Us Functioning, But Balance Remains a Priority

2020 has been a year like no other in recent history. With Covid-19 forcing us to live more of our lives online, organisations have had to transform the delivery of digital services and experiences at an accelerated rate. For months, online...


Being Remembered For the Right Reasons in Times Of Crisis

The swift and dramatic impact of COVID-19 has created tough challenges for brands but keeping consumer relations on ice isn’t a viable solution. As carefully laid strategies and plans continue to be derailed, brands must remember that the way they respond...


UK Retailers Lead the Way in Omnichannel Marketing, Have Yet to Utilise the Full Potential

New data collected from an omnichannel marketing automation platform, dotdigital, reveals the UK leads the way in omnichannel marketing, as 31 percent is scored by UK retailers against key success market, compared to the global benchmark of just 18 percent. Despite...


The New Rules of Customer-First Marketing

There’s no denying the global coronavirus crisis has caused an incredible amount of disruption to all aspects of daily life. The sheer force of the virus has resulted in entire industries being forced to shut down or rethink their business...


What the future has in store: the 5 pillars of the 2020 retail reality

The extent of change in the retail industry has been remarkable. People are talking to personal shopping robots, storefronts are morphing to mirror passers-by, and consumers are using hand-held computers to digitally try on clothes from the comfort of their...

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