Author: Frank Sherlock

cx data paradox

Explore how to collect – and act on – the right customer insights

Customer feedback can make or break a business. Yet, most companies still grapple with how to effectively collect and use customer insights. According to the CallMiner 2023 CX Landscape Report, the majority of teams still collect mostly solicited feedback (71% in 2023...

Good customer experience in digital age

Four features of a good customer experience

Customers have expectations when they call for help, as they should. After all, they typically aren’t reaching out to your organisation for any other reason than to get their issue resolved or a question answered quickly.  Most customers would agree that...

CX omnichannel era

Maximising customer experience in the omnichannel era

The transition from traditional call-based centres to diverse, omnichannel contact centres is here to stay. Omnichannel service transcends the conventional multichannel approach by integrating different modes of communication, closing the technology gaps between them. This integration minimises repetitive information and maximises agent performance, ensuring...

Product intelligence customer data learning

A guide to leveraging product intelligence to improve customer experience

Understanding how customers use and feel about the products they buy can ultimately allow companies to make more informed decisions about specific products – whether that’s improving existing products or introducing new ones. But uncovering this intelligence is hard. Technologies like artificial...

AI 2024 trends

Five 2024 AI trends for the contact centre and beyond

Artificial intelligence (AI) for the contact centre, customer experience (CX) and other business applications continues to evolve rapidly. When used effectively, AI has the power to redefine the way businesses interact with their customers and manage internal processes. From balancing the scales...

CX landscape report

Three recent findings on how AI is impacting CX

In 2023, the world returned to ‘normalcy’, with people spending more time offices and at in-person events, having face-to-face interactions, and traveling more. At the same time, many organisations faced macroeconomic pressures to do more with less, while maintaining sky-high...

Customer contact, CallMiner

How is the rising cost of living impacting customer contact demand?

Almost one in every two people (48%) report declining confidence in their ability to pay their bills and make ends meet, and more than 53% say they have had to delay a bill payment in the past 12 months. The rise in vulnerability,...

Conversational Intelligence used for gathering customer feedback

Capitalising on feedback with conversation intelligence

According to Forrester Research, customers are in a space of survey overload. “We are now sending customers so many surveys that it hurts our CX performance.” Understanding customer feedback is essential if businesses want to improve customer experiences and boost...

personalised experiences in tech

How technology can drive personalisation and enhance the customer experience

Due to factors from the past few years, including the pandemic and increased digital transformation, customer expectations have heightened – and being able to offer omnichannel customer service has never been more important. Customers expect faster, more personalised communication, whether...

customer engagement

Improving customer engagement in a challenging economic climate

Heightened demand for more personalised, streamlined customer experiences combined with the cost-of-living crisis has created a challenge for organisations in how they engage with customers and successfully deliver the best experience. How can organisations keep abreast of their customers circumstances,...
