Category: Employee Experience

CX leaders working in a team

The best leaders excel at relationships: 6 traits of new leadership

Relationships aren’t transactional, but in business, it’s easy to fixate on the numbers, the deals, and the deadlines. However, when you prioritise building and nurturing meaningful relationships with customers, colleagues, partners, and other stakeholders, youcan unlock a more powerful path to success. Along the way, you’ll also find greater personal and...

hybrid working

Finding the balance with hybrid working

Businesses are still struggling to find the equilibrium with remote and hybrid working; ensuring that productivity and efficiency levels are high. Even though we have all been remote working at home for the past couple of years it is still new territory to navigate. The shift...

Call centre agents wellbeing

Which changes need to be enacted to protect the wellbeing of call centre agents?

Call centres are at the heart of many large organisations. But its employees are under an increasing level of pressure to meet the rising demands of customers. How can customer service agents ensure they are looking after their mental health? What...

Digital agencies growth

How to see substantial and impactful growth without neglecting your employee’s wellbeing

Facilitating growth is a key priority for UK digital agencies – strategic and creative agencies focused on user experience, mobile, social, data gathering and analytics. And it will continue to be so as the ongoing macroeconomic climate proves difficult for scale-ups. For...

Human-centred design for a better planet and sustainability

Beyond human-centred design: CX for a troubled planet

The term Customer Experience was coined in 1994 by Lewis Carbone. Since then, it has grown from relative obscurity to a fully fledged discipline. It is now taught at postgraduate level in universities, with recognised professional certifications and global governing bodies. However the rising awareness...

whistleblowing policy

The importance of building a strong whistleblowing policy and procedure in 2023

In today’s dynamic work environment, whistleblowers play a vital role in uncovering workplace misconduct and potential company threats or risks. This is acknowledged during World Whistleblowers Day on 23 June.Examples of whistleblowing include criminal activity, such as theft, or unethical or...

Call centre agents experiencing burnout

How call centre agents can improve their mental health and wellbeing

Call centres are at the heart of many large organisations. Its employees are under an increasing level of pressure to meet the rising demands of customers. How can customer service agents ensure they are looking after their mental health? What...

workplace AI aiding the managers work tasks

Workplace AI is setting new standards for businesses 

The rapid evolution of AI technology has captured the public interest. Already, it is having a significant impact on the way we communicate with one another in our daily lives. With further investment into chatbot technology from major players like Microsoft and Google, advancement in the space is inevitable. The integration of AI into businesses is...

Employee experience in crisis

What impact is the cost of living crisis having on the employee experience?

Stress in the workplace is one of the biggest threats to employers’ greatest resource: their employees. Last year alone, it led to 17 million lost working days in the UK. But despite workplace stress currently reaching record levels, according to a poll...


Improving donor experiences for charities: easing demand for the third sector

No sooner had charities weathered the impact of the peak-pandemic years, they now find themselves facing another huge challenge. The cost-of-living crisis is hitting us all hard. But could focusing on improving the customer experience that donors receive be the answer?A...

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