The recent Northern Powergrid research report reflects on sustainable energy production without the reliance on coal, oil, and natural gas. Their insightful research results raise important questions for all the businesses in the UK: How will their sustainable future look like? Will the wind energy solution meet UK business energy requirements?

The CXM team reveals the most important points from the study. Below, we talk about the potential of wind power in the UK becoming the future for organisations looking to protect the environment and meet business energy requirements. We also highlight the benefits of renewable energy sources for businesses.

The main benefits of wind energy

Simply put, wind turbines turn wind energy into electricity using the aerodynamic force from the rotor blades. One of the cleanest forms of energy come from this operation. No fossil fuels or other pollutants are required. Wind energy provides clean, low carbon energy, which makes it perfect for businesses. Large amounts of energy can be used at a low cost while also reducing the impact on wildlife. Wind energy is an incredibly green solution!

However, it should be noted that wind turbines can be expensive to build and repair for some businesses. There’s also a problem with alternative operation. When turbines are not running, they rely on fossil fuels for backup. That’s something one should definitely think about.

Balancing the requirements of wind energy

Now, while wind energy undoubtedly has many benefits, most businesses have to think beyond environmental factors. The question is whether wind energy can produce enough electricity to supply companies all year round. When going green, businesses need to consider how much electricity they can get in a low carbon way to support the entire operational process.

To skip the heavy mathematics, we’ll share with you the short summary from Northern Powergrid:

The average UK household requires around 3700kWh of electricity per year and 12,000 kWh of gas. To help supply this, there are 8,600 onshore wind turbines and 2,300 offshore wind turbines currently in the UK. In comparison to the amount of energy businesses require on average per year, it’s clear that more wind turbines are needed to generate enough power to cover both homes and businesses.

The question arises from the paragraph above: is this a realistic goal for the UK? Without a doubt, initial investments will be high, but the government is taking steps to help lower the impact of climate change. Therefore, we may see it investing in wind energy. 

An illustration shows wind turbines and indicates wind power in the UK might be our green future.

The only thing left to consider here is the supply consistency. Wind-powered energy might cause delays in production and impact the levels on large scale. Northern Powergrid thinks this can be avoided with additional sustainable energy sources, such as solar panels.

Strategic placement of wind turbines, such as installing them in places with high speed and consistency of wind, is another option. These seem like feasible solutions in the long run. Investing in more wind farms at sea can also help to prevent the issue of power inefficiency for businesses.

The green future of the UK

We can’t say for sure whether wind power in the UK is the future energy source for businesses. However, it is likely to be one of the best options. Wind-powered energy can help balance the need for power in our lives and protect the environment. It can reduce emissions while still keeping businesses running, which means the future of the UK could be a much greener one.  

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