Tag: Customer journey

Delivering Great CX in the Covid Era

In a relatively short period of time the onset of the global coronavirus pandemic has changed the very face of customer experience (CX). In these times of crisis, customers now expect more compelling, relevant and timely engagement than ever before....


The Power of Moments in Creating Memorable Customer Experiences

There is a common misconception that to create a memorable customer experience, every aspect of the customer journey needs to be flawless. This has led to a strong focus on creating efficiencies to produce a frictionless experience with the customer’s...


Understand Customer Perception Before Chasing Customer Success

As defined in the Cambridge Dictionary, the meaning of “perception” is a thought, belief, or opinion, often held by many people and is based on appearances. It’s the quality of being aware of things through the physical senses, especially sight.  Now...


A 360 Degree View Isn’t Everything…Customer Experience Is!

There is no such thing as a typical customer journey – shoppers are browsing, buying, and interacting with brands in more ways than ever before.  Meanwhile, with 41 percent of consumers conducting research online but buying in store, it’s clear shoppers...


The Omnichannel Experience: Using Data to Enhance Customer Loyalty

The impact of poor Customer Experience is not one easily forgotten. The reality for retailers today is that for even the most loyal customers, one bad experience is enough to make them abandon their shopping baskets and never hesitate about...


Ask Ian: How do I Spot Weaknesses in my Touchpoints Before my Customers Do?

Customer Experience specialist Ian Golding, author of Customer What: The Honest and Practical Guide to Customer Experience, writes for Customer Experience Magazine offering expert insight to help businesses improve their CX offering.  To ask Ian a question on how to boost the Customer...


The CEO’s Guide to Customer Experience

“What do my customers want?” The savviest executives are asking this question more frequently than ever, and rightly so. Leading companies understand that they are in the Customer Experience business, and they understand that how an organisation delivers for customers is as important...


Seven Steps to Effective Contact Centre Transformation

Everyone is someone’s customer, and every single one of us knows how we want to be treated. Yet we’ve all had experiences that have influenced our opinion of a brand, but actually little or nothing to do with the product...


Optimising Communications for Frictionless CX

Forecasts of a downturn in the travel market following the referendum vote to leave the EU in June 2016 have largely been defied. In 2017, UK residents took 72.8 million trips abroad, up three percent from 2016. The number of...


Consumer Behaviour is Changing: Are you Keeping Up?

Over the last few years, we have seen a shift to more conscious consumerism that values experiences over things. This can be attributed back to several trends, such as the rise of mindfulness, the minimalist trend in homeware, as well...

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