16th – 18th September 2013, London, UK

Join us at Customer Experience Transformation: Financial Services to discover how to execute marketing leading CX Strategy in order to engage, acquire and retain customers, and their trust, to sustain the future of international Financial Services provision.

Over 100 Customer Experience executives from organisations including Direct Line, Lloyds and Morgan Stanley, will learn effective methods for transforming their customers’ experience across five key areas:
Engaging an increasingly savvy customer through seamless experience
Building trust and loyalty with an increasingly sceptical customer base
Embedding a customer-centric culture to support transformation within your organization
Discovering and harnessing key super-promoters amongst executive sponsors
Investing and improving wisely to ensure excellence in execution of Customer Experience strategy

For more information and to download the agenda, visit www.customerexperiencefinance.com, email enquire@iqpc.co.uk or call +44 (0)20 7368 9300.

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