We are delighted to share with you an exclusive research piece which has just been released.

Focusing on big data or is it smart data? The infographic Big Data, Insight & Analytics: Investing in the Future delves into how senior executives responsible for data analytics, customer insight and big data are aiming to overcome their biggest challenges.

The survey was conducted by the Customer Management Network with Data Analytics, Customer Insight, Marketing and Big Data executives from leading global organisations to specifically find out what they will be investing in to overcome these challenges.

Download your exclusive copy here

Discover who is ACTUALLY responsible for developing strategies for customer insight, data analytics and Big Data, why they gather and analyse customer data, what solutions & technologies they are investing in and critically what is standing in the way of these investments!

A must read!

The themes covered in this infographic will be discussed in greater detail with 60 Global & Regional Director of Data Analytics, Marketing, BI, Customer and Customer Insight at the Customer Insight & Analytics Exchange: Utilising Big Data (26 – 28 January, 2015, London, UK).

Email exchangeinfo@iqpc.com for more information about the Exchange, to join this exclusive group of executives at this invitation only meeting or to showcase your customer big data solutions and technology.

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