Have you thought about judging at the UK Customer Experience Awards, but weren’t sure what was involved?

Judging has a lot to offer and is a wonderful way to share your knowledge and expertise. At the same time it will help to improve your business profile, make new contacts and enhance your credibility.

We are looking for a diverse team of Judges with a range of knowledge, skills, and experience to provide a category judging panels with a robust mix of customer experience and business expertise.

We are looking for applicants who meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • have knowledge, skills and/or experience in customer experience
  • have substantial business experience
  • hold a relevant business qualification
  • belong to a relevant academic establishment e.g. a business school
  • have judged at business awards before
  • have a passion for the delivery of exceptional customer experience

You can find out more about a few people who have already put themselves forward as Judges.

Christopher-BrooksChristopher Brooks is a Director at Lexden, a Customer Strategy Agency, and has worked closely with a number of leading companies including William Hill, Barclaycard and Visa in helping them shape their customer strategies.
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Hina-Sharma-photoHina Sharma is Head of External Communications at Pitney Bowes. Her first job was in a high street shoe shop as a Saturday assistant.
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Ben SmithwellBen Smithwell, Director of Project Me Consulting, has a wide range of experience in the field of customer experience.
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If you would like to discuss becoming a Judge at the UK Customer Experience Awards 2014 please email judging@awardsinternational.eu or call Jess on 020 7193 4757. Or use this link http://c-x-a.co.uk/become-a-judge/

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