Tag: Customer journey

customer experience dimensions creating customer satisfaction and success

The ultimate, all-encompassing list of customer experience dimensions to help you succeed

Customer experience dimensions refer to the main areas that should be considered when developing a great CX strategy. These dimensions should be the focus areas for building customer experiences that will be great for your consumers. As a result, your business...

Customer journey mapping workshop

How can a facilitator ensure a great customer journey mapping workshop?

In a 2019 survey, the Nielsen Norman Group found that journey mapping was the third-most popular activity for UX professionals. While it is one of the most used methods in CX, it also can be daunting. Running a successful customer journey...

localisation in business for international success

Why international success hangs on the strength of market localisation

Consumers can now visit a pan-global marketplace every time they use their smartphone. British companies are recognising the benefits of this new environment. More than four in every five UK businesses with an annual turnover of £1m are currently trading overseas. But while...

customer timeline

Customer timeline planning can be beneficial to strategise your business

It’s important to track your customers’ interactions with your business. A customer timeline runs right from their first point of contact, up to their most recent purchase. This process of customer brand engagement is referred to as a customer timeline.  It...

uk Royal Mail strikes issues and protests - workers pay

How to ease consumer concerns during the Royal Mail strikes in the UK

Retailers looking to maximise sales during the Christmas period are in a sticky situation. This is attributed to the blend of cost-conscious consumers and ongoing industrial action creating a tricky combination. Royal Mail strikes have been the cause of particular concern over...

silent customers

Silence of the Customer is louder than Voice of the Customer

Amid the growing dialogues about digital experience, your customer data has the power to make or break your business. But what happens when your customer goes silent on the data? The silence of your customer is a deadly threat to your...

tx strategy framework

Developing a total experience (TX) strategy framework

Total Experience (TX) bridges user, customer, and employee experience disciplines into one transformational experience. This experience unifies every customer touchpoint; aligns the brand across every channel; harmonises business functions; and establishes trust within every possible journey. A TX strategy is...


Stories from the airport: the post-Covid flying experience

Travelling over the past three years have become an emotionally charged and uncertain experience. Have our feelings towards airports changed? I decided to ask two groups of people to help me understand the current travel disruption: CX professionals working for...

an image showing a post purchase experience

How can neuroscience studies be used to improve the overall shopping experience?  

According to Deloitte, “Neuroscience studies can be used to identify motivating elements that increase customer motivation-to-buy. This is in addition to removing distractions in the online shop and thus improving the overall shopping experience”. It gives retail businesses a better...

Christmas shopping 2022

Christmas shopping in the face of economic uncertainty 

Consumer pessimism continues to spiral in the UK, with the cost-of-living crisis and rapidly rising inflation coupled with geopolitical uncertainty leading to downtrends in overall spending. Unsurprisingly, people are adopting an affordability-first mindset when it comes to their finances, particularly...

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