Tag: Digital transformation

CX omnichannel era

Maximising customer experience in the omnichannel era

The transition from traditional call-based centres to diverse, omnichannel contact centres is here to stay. Omnichannel service transcends the conventional multichannel approach by integrating different modes of communication, closing the technology gaps between them. This integration minimises repetitive information and maximises agent performance, ensuring...

effective communication

Entering a new age of customer communication

The world of customer communication is set to enter a new era. And that’s before we even talk about Apple’s Vision Pro. The increasing change of pace in brand-customer relations means that customer experience strategies must adapt too. In the...


What is MultiCaaS and why is it the contact centre of the future?

As a contact centre or IT leader, you don’t need another acronym to add to the pile. But that’s the beauty of the newest acronym in the industry, MultiCaaS—it’s the only CaaS acronym you need to operate your entire business...

Benchmarking gen AI

The importance of benchmarking Gen AI for effective CX usage

Testing the IQ of an AI may not be a familiar concept, but it’s something companies must do if they want to ensure a great customer experience. As it stands, generative AI applications like ChatGPT, Bing and others are still a nascent space. They...

Preventing customer loyalty, retention

Is your customer cheating on you? Preventing customer disloyalty in the digital age

In an increasingly digital world, customers are becoming more discerning. They expect top-of-the-line products, personalised offers and rewards, and to have their queries resolved immediately, whether online, via text message or over the phone (or even all three).   Attracting customers is becoming harder...

Zoom contact centre interview

How is Zoom navigating the future of customer engagement? Interview with Zoom’s Head of Contact Centre

In the fast-evolving landscape of Contact Centre as a Service  (CCaaS), one name stands out as a driving force in revolutionising customer experiences – Zoom.  Today, we are privileged to talk with Ben Neo, the Head of Zoom Contact Centre and CX...

Customer Promotions Handbook: A Guide to Elevating Your Business with Rewarding Strategies

Reward your customers, and they’ll reward you with their loyalty 

According to McKinsey, 81% of shoppers have changed their consumption behaviours in the face of soaring prices and inflation levels. Two-thirds of shoppers are making less impulsive purchases More than half are spending longer researching and considering purchases 47% are holding out more...

digital customer service

What does 2024 hold for customer service? 

From instability to a cost-of-living crisis, customer service in 2023 has had a lot to overcome. As we start 2024, there is scope to hope that this could be the year for positive change for customer service. Going forward, more businesses will be focused...

Hospitality in 2024, positive customer service

CX and Hospitality: what can we expect to see in 2024?

Navigating the hospitality industry presents a thrilling yet challenging prospect due to its unpredictable nature from one season to the next. Mastering the ability to adjust to the dynamic forces shaping both local and global markets, along with the ever-evolving...

AI 2024 trends

Five 2024 AI trends for the contact centre and beyond

Artificial intelligence (AI) for the contact centre, customer experience (CX) and other business applications continues to evolve rapidly. When used effectively, AI has the power to redefine the way businesses interact with their customers and manage internal processes. From balancing the scales...

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