In partnership with world-renowned CX specialist Ian Golding, and adjusting to the current situation, we bring CX Masterclasses online, offering an abundance of CX tips of the highest quality, without the need to leave the comfort of your home.

The interactive two-day course covers all core CX competencies such as CX strategy, Brand Proposition, The role of employees in delivering the strategy, Customer Journey Mapping and many more aspects of the CX culture.

For those interested in taking the CCXP exam, we provide an Exam Preparation Workshop taking place on 27th April 2020, giving you all the necessary advice on exam techniques and covering possible problem areas.

Those interested in the CX Online Masterclass and currently residing in the Gulf region, Ian is offering two dates, 22nd and 23rd April. Book your place here.

There are also options available to those in Singapore, taking place on 1st and 2nd June and Australia timezones, taking place on 24th and 25th June, with an optional Exam Preparation Workshop as well. To find out how to book your seat, the exact schedule and agenda, click here.

If you are currently working from home full-time, this is an ideal opportunity to perfect your CX knowledge before returning to the office. Feel free to join us!

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