Customer Experience Magazine is delighted to announce that CXMStars™ 2024 is now open for entries! We are on our annual mission to find and crown the top 50 CX influencers and professionals of the year.

This is the fifth year that we have celebrated the top 50 CXMStars from across the globe. We’re so excited to invite you to submit personal entries or nominate those CX players who have made an impact to you and the industry this year. This is the time to celebrate those who you believe deserve attention for their dedication to the CX field. 

This year’s CXMStars competition is also sponsored by our partners, Zoom.

Let’s find out all the information you need for CXMStars™ 2024! 

What’s the first step?

The CXMStars™ process is perfectly crafted to be easy, straightforward and fun! We bet you know individuals who are transforming the industry with their activism, research, writing, and ongoing dialogues about CX. That’s why you can nominate anyone that you believe deserves recognition for their contribution to the CX arena. 

It’s important to note that there are two categories for the CXMStars™ awards – CX professionals and CX influencers.

  • CX professionals are often the catalyst for CX change. They will lead the entire process behind customer experience management. They are key actors in any customer-centric organisation. As well as improving the CX process within their organisations, CX professionals often write books, articles, and host keynote talks. For more references, check the profiles of our top CX Professionals from 2023.  

Professionals and influencers – got it! What’s the next step?

With CXMStars™ you have the ability to nominate others and yourself. It’s important to note that entries are completely free of charge. 

You can nominate any number of CX individuals who you believe are worthy of making our Top 50 list. If you think you have also done an amazing job this year within the CX field, you can nominate yourself too! Click below to nominate those stars who you think deserve such great recognition.

To nominate yourself or someone else for the CXMStars™ Top CX Professionals, click below.

To nominate yourself or someone else for the CXMStars™ Top CX Influencers, click below.

The poll "CXMStars™ 2024 - Top CX Professional" is closed, thus the participant nomination is disabled.
The poll "CXMStars™ 2024 - Top CX Influencer" is closed, thus the participant nomination is disabled.

When you send off your nomination, this person will receive a request email from us to confirm their invitation. 

You have until Monday January 22nd 2024 at 23:59pm GMT to get your nominations in.

Nominations sent off. Now what?

Invites have been accepted from nominees – now it’s time for applications which involve answering 8 questions about yourself. We want to know all about the people up for this esteemed recognition. 

The key to the application process is sharing everything you’ve done over the last year that has been amazing for our field. What awards do you have? What have you been up to this year? Share it all with us!

Final step: how we rank the list of Top 50 CXMStars™ !

Once every nomination is in and the finalists are announced, it is time to vote for who you want to be in the top number of CXMStars™ 2024. Voting begins from the finalists announcement on Thursday 18th January, and will close on Thursday 1st February. 

You have up to 5 votes. This means that you can assign five votes with five different points. You should assign five to your preferred candidate, the highest scorer. We’re aware that the influence of someone’s work shouldn’t be judged only by popularity on social media. This is why we’re bringing back our judging process from last year. The brilliant panel is now live, and will ensure a fair opportunity for everyone. 

For each nominee – CX influencer or CX professional – their application’s score is split into two parts. The scoring process is the same for each contestant – whether up for top CX professional or CX influencer. 

  • 60% is the judging panel’s score 
  • 40% comes from the readers and public. This part comes down to each contestant sharing and encouraging their connections to vote for them. 

Once the votes are in, just sit back, relax, and wait for the final winning announcement! But there’s no need to stress about voting yet – we’ll explain the process in detail at a later date.

Let’s get CXMStars™ 2024 started!

First and foremost, get those applications and nominees in! Focus on creating your application or surprise someone by nominating them.  Don’t forget that the entry is free of charge. There’s no reason not to take part! Don’t miss your chance to be listed among the Top 50 CX professionals and Top 50 Influencers. Join us on this adventure and celebrate the CX successes of the year.

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