Category: Customer Experience

The Evolution of CRM: eCommerce Integration

In the consumer world, eCommerce surrounds us and it’s raising our expectations of service to unprecedented levels. Every time we want to make a purchase, we venture online safe in the knowledge that the products and/or services we want are...


Why Identity Is Key to Customer Retention

Marketers today face a growing challenge in attracting and retaining customers who demand better brand experiences than ever before. In fact, 82% of consumers across the world have stopped doing business with a company following a bad customer experience. Difficult economic...


Why I Think Flying in Consultants to Grow Your Business Isn’t the Silver Bullet

Outside In hosted a webinar on 9th February discussing our “growth engine”. Growth is a pretty vague, sometimes huge, sometimes feared, perhaps grey yet obvious and frequently used word in B2B. Surely everyone is striving for growth as they head out on the...


Try This Innovation Technique

One of the things I promise in my workshops, is I can teach people how to innovate. I was born naturally “left brained” and jealous as hell of those natural innovators who think differently from the rest of us. I...


The 10 Most-liked Advertising CEOs

As much as advertising can be a creative pursuit, it’s a relationship business too. And advertising bosses aren’t just required to keep their clients sweet — just like any CEO, they should also maintain a happy staff too. We asked Glassdoor, the careers...


Top 4 Mistakes Sales People Make by Not Understanding Their Prospects

Every sales professional knows that information is power, and that it’s critical to take a data-driven, strategic approach to approaching prospects and closing deals. Or do they? I’m still seeing sales teams make four key mistakes that are undermining efforts...


Where Will Tesco’s Be In 5 Years Time?

Great news for Tesco. They are reporting its best sales growth at the end of last quarter for more than 5 years. With Christmas sales above expectation their company is excited to be projecting at least £1.2 billion profit for...


Interview: The Importance of CX in the Era of Huge Competition

Following the explosion of online only retailers, drop shippers and independent sellers using platforms such as Amazon and Big Cartel, customer loyalty is a premium asset that is arguably at its highest ever stock. Indeed, with so much competition online, bad...


Top Customer Experience Influencers For 2017

As part of CCW Digital initiative to foster a robust community for customer experience professionals, they introduced us to some prominent thought leaders.  These incredibly insightful individuals are constantly uncovering solutions to customer experience challenges.  They, more importantly, are constantly sharing what...


Introducing New Customer Experience Thinking for 2017

Customer experience is proportional to revenue, at least that’s what “best practice” thinking has taught us. There is new thinking emerging based around distinguishing customer outcomes from customer experience. It adds a new dimension which helps companies differentiate from their...

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